This Haiku was originally was written as a response to Brandi’s poem “Robots”, click on the link here >> , but alas there wasn’t a comment box with her article, so I’m presenting the Haiku here.
Us Robots, A Haiku
Us rusty humans
Need fresh air and oiling cans
Not more robot men
Ivor Steven (c) April 2020
Primavera, Lyrics by Santana
Rain of sun
as a blessing
Life is reborn with its light
spring is here
all is like this
back to the root
time of unquiet youth
in spring already.
The black earth becomes green
and the mountains and the desert,
A beautiful garden.
As the seed
brings new life
there’s in this spring, a new era.
In the air of this new universe
today there is freedom
in spring already.
The black earth becomes green
and the mountains and the desert,
A beautiful garden.
As the seed
brings new life
there’s in this spring, a new era.